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I am deeply committed to promoting diversity and inclusion across the geosciences.  I strongly believe that inclusion must be fostered both in and outside of the classroom. 
I strive to be an effective teacher, a clear communicator, and an advocate for equal opportunity for all students and budding scientists regardless of their background.
Megan Gürer of Scotts Valley High School and I in front of her AGU poster, 2016


EART1: Oceanography, UCSC, Summer 2017

Teaching Assistant:

EART110C: Geophysics, UCSC, Spring 2017

EART140: Geomorphology, UCSC, Winter 2013, 2017

EART104: Geologic Hazards, UCSC, Fall 2016

GEOL130: Oceanography, Penn, Summer 2011


2017   Honorable mention, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, UCSC

2012   Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Penn

Geomorphology students measuring flow depth of Fall Creek, Santa Cruz Mountains

High school students:

       Drew Wadsworth & Desiree Ho, gravel bar roughness as a proxy for

       flood intermittency in a natural channel, Summer 2017 

       Megan Gürer & Sarah Sullivan, sediment grain reorientation in       

       response to varying flow magnitude in an experimental flume,     

       Summer 2016

UCSC undergraduates:

       Ellen Mills & Sergio Martinez, role of low flow duration on bedload   

       transport in an experimental flume, Summer 2015

Advised submissions:

         Gürer, M.*, Sullivan, S.*, Masteller, C.C., Bed structure and bedload transport:               Sediment grain reorientation in response to high and low flows in an

          experimental flume: Abstract ED41A-0765, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco,

         CA, 12-16 December 2016, Poster. [link]

Desiree Ho taking photos to create high-resolution models of gravel bars using Structure from Motion photogrammetry
geoscientists encouraging openness and diversity in the earth sciences

I helped to co-found GEODES in the Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) department at UCSC in 2015.

GEODES is a department-specific diversity initiative geared towards fostering inclusion and diversity across all career levels in the EPS department at UCSC.  GEODES strives to address these issues by focusing on building community, providing discipline-specific professional development opportunities, and raising awareness of issues known to limit the participation of underrepresented groups in the Earth sciences. In 2016, GEODES was recognized by UCSC, winning the Chancellor's Achievement Award for Diversity.   


Chancellor's Achievement Award for Diversity, 2016 

Selected activities:

     Selected lightning talk & poster presentation, Expanding Potential       

          2016 Workshop, UC Berkeley, 2016

     Lead organizer, Inaugural Departmental Research Symposium, 2016

     Lead organizer, Standing up to Bias Workshop, 2016

Conference abstracts:

Barcheck, C.G., Beganskas, S., Masteller, C.C., Pfeiffer, A.M., Roth, D.L., Taylor, S.E., Begeman, C., Killam, D., White, S.M., Maxwell, R., Gyalay, S., Kaufman, Z., Serrano, A., Schnorr, E., GEODES: A model for graduate-student led initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 December 2018.

GEODES cofounders & Adina Paytan at the Chancellor's Achievement Awards for Diversity
GEODES-organized, UCSC EPS Department Research Symposium participants, 2017
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